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Who We Are

We are normal, responsible and law-abiding people with jobs, families, children, and loved ones. We are your neighbors, your emergency workers, your family, your teachers, your shopkeepers and your office workers; we are the everyday people in your community, and in your life.

However, we are also people who have accepted certain uncomfortable realities regarding Self-Defense:

  • There are people in the world who would do us direct and immediate harm.

  • This threat can manifest itself at any time, in any place.

  • The police cannot be everywhere, The average response rate to a 911 call is over 10 minutes in New Jersey.

  • The right of, and responsibility for self-defense rests squarely on us as individuals, and we have accepted this burden out of necessity.

  • Access to the most effective means of personal defense is intrinsic to the right of self-defense.

  • The current public policy and legislation of New Jersey is not in alignment with the above, nor with the vast majority of other states in America, where a citizen's absolute right to life and liberty hasn't been legislated away by power brokers.

We therefore recognize that the political structure in New Jersey needs to be changed, and we have accepted the responsibility to make it happen.

Did you know?

The legislators of New Jersey have placed you at risk for your life!

Did you know that in the State of New Jersey, the penalty for using Mace to fend off a rapist has a more severe punishment than the legal sanction for rape?

Did you know that in the State of New Jersey, if you injure an attacker in the process of defending yourself, you can be sued by your assailant for legal damages?

Did you know that defensive tools of all description are summarily banned, and a citizen's right to purchase and carry them is gained via securing an exemption to the laws through an arduous process, accessible to only a select elite?

Did you know that the courts have determined that the Police have no legal duty to protect you? Loosely translated, you can sue a doctor or lawyer for failing to provide adequate care, but you can't sue the police for failing to provide for your safety.

Did you know that the elected officials in New Jersey have essentially asked you to be a "sitting duck", while they enjoy 24x7 police protection?

Did you know that if every gun owner in New Jersey voted for the same candidate, taxes would be lower (your money would actually get to be yours again), pork barrel budgets would be slimmed, useless patronage jobs eliminated, tolls would be removed from the Garden State parkway, and the political corruption in Trenton would come to an end?*

Please note that the NJCSD fully and firmly supports our police. Many of our members are law enforcement officers. However, responsible and honest persons and legislators recognize that the police can't be everywhere.  That's why police are referred to as Law Enforcement, not Crime Prevention.

Did you know that there are over 80 million self-proclaimed gun owners, representing more than 250 million firearms in private ownership, averaging out to more than one gun for every American citizen?

Did you know that doctors injure and kill far more people every year, than firearms?


What we do

We have organized because New Jersey legislation needs to change on these issues, and the citizens, especially the silent pro self-defense majority, and large body of politically centrist, have been inhibited by excessive legislation, and need an effective group to give them voice

Why We Do It...

At the end of the day, each of us at the NJCSD is concerned about the kind of world we're leaving behind, and how we live in the world we have.

We're concerned for our families, friends, neighbors and country. But most of all, we're doing it for the children who deserve to live in a safe, secure environment created by a parent's inherent responsibility to defend them in the most immediate and vehement way possible.

Remember, it's easier to protect your child from a predator, than it is to get him back.